More CSS Possibilities

This site showcases some additional CSS capabilities. Check out the source code to see how it all works!

Custom Fonts

It is possible to import custom fonts from Google Fonts, and use them in your websites! It will look something like this:

Check out this text with the custom font!

Color Gradients

Add a color gradient somewhere on your page using CSS Gradient! It will look something like this:

Text Shadow

You can use the text-shadow property to add a shadow behind your text! It will look something like this:

This text has a shadow!


You can use the transition property to change your styles based on certain events! It will look something like this:

Hover over this to see how it changes!


You can use the transform property to change a variety of things about your HTML elements, including rotation, scale, and skew. A transformed element will look something like this:


You can use CSS Animations to create dynamic transitions that run automatically! You can animate any CSS property. An animated element could look something like this:


And here's a more elaborate example: