
Processing is cool. Here are some more examples of Processing projects.

Platformer Game

Platformer Game Project

Play around with this very basic platformer game. Try to get a high score... and change the code to make it possible to get an even higher score!

Message Display - Broken!

Message Display Project

This project is supposed to display a secret message, but it is currently broken! Fix the code to reveal the message.

HINT: The problem has something to do with colors...

Follow the Mouse

Follow the Mouse Project

This project shows how it is possible to use the mouse position in Processing to move things around!

Black Squares

Black Squares Project

In this game, you have to click all the black squares to remove them. Clicking a white area will restart the level. Try to get all the way to level four!

Challenge - Make a Watch

Processing Challenge

Try to complete the challenge for some practice working with the processing canvas.

Fake Google

Fake Google Project

See a very detailed example of what's possible to create with Processing shapes!

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