Go Bananas: Self-Paced Work

The banana product page looks much more exciting than a simple HTML page, but it could look even better. Follow the instructions below to update the page with even more styles.

Part 1 - Updating Existing Rulesets

Start by updating some of the existing properties.

Changing the Text Color

The darkblue color is a little too strong. Change it to a lighter blue color that still maintains a contrast with the yellow background.

  1. In the <style></style> element, find the body ruleset
  2. In the body ruleset, find the declaration for the color property
  3. Update the value of the color property from darkblue to steelblue

Run the code, and verify that the text changes color!

Changing the Main Header Font

Update the main header font so it looks even more fun.

  1. In the <style></style> element, find the h1 ruleset
  2. In the h1 ruleset, find the declaration for the font-family property
  3. Update the value of the font-family property from cursive to jokerman

Run the code, and verify that the font changes!

Making the Images Larger

The images on the page are a little small. Make them bigger!

  1. In the <style></style> element, find the img ruleset
  2. In the img ruleset, find the declaration for the height property
  3. Update the value of the height property from 150px to 200px

Run the code, and verify that the images get bigger!

Part 2 - Creating Additional Rulesets

Next, add some new rulesets to change other parts of the HTML page.

Updating the Color of the Section Headers

The section headers should match the background more effectively. Update the CSS so that the headers are a dark gold color.

  1. In the <style></style> element, create a new ruleset for h2
    • Place the new ruleset beneath the existing rulesets (under })
    • Use the h2 selector and curly brackets ({}) to open the new block
  2. Within the curly brackets, create a new declaration that sets the text color
    • Property: color
    • Value: darkgoldenrod

It should look something like this:

h2 {
    color: darkgoldenrod;

Updating the Font of the Reviewer Names

The reviewer names should have a different font to differentiate them from the rest of the text on the page.

  1. In the <style></style> element, create a new ruleset for h3 (reviewer names are in these headers)
  2. Within the ruleset, create a new declaration that sets the font
    • Property: font-family
    • Value: cursive

(CHALLENGE) Part 3 - New Product

Update the HTML on the page so that it is about a different product! Change the text, images, and anything else. The same styles should apply to any new HTML!

(CHALLENGE) Part 4 - Adding Style to Other Projects

Find some of the previous HTML projects you have created. Try to figure out how to add some CSS to make them more fun. You can copy your complete <style></style> elements, including all of the new CSS code, into any one of your projects!

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