Discord Information

Communication is key.

We will use Discord as a way for students and mentors to communicate during the event.

Click here to join the Discord Server.

As noted in the parental consent form that was signed by Parents or Guardians, each student has agreed to the following regarding the use of Discord:

I agree and understand that Hyland may provide for the use of certain unaffiliated third party websites or applications (“Third Party Sites”) in connection with the Program. I understand that use of these Third Party Sites is optional. If I choose to permit my child(ren) to use such Third Party Sites, I further understand and agree that: (i) the Third Party Site may collect personal information directly from my child(ren) subject to the terms and conditions (including an applicable privacy policy) available on the Third Party Site; and (ii) Hyland does not control these Third Party Sites and is not responsible for their information collection practices.

Additional Guidelines

  • The usage of Discord is not required
    • If you do not want to use it, you will still be able to participate in the Hackathon
  • You must use your real first and last name when communicating on Discord
    • If we see an account that does not have a real student name, the account will be kicked out
    • Follow these instructions to update your Server Nickname
  • If you say anything inappropriate, you will be banned from the server and may be removed from the event
  • Please be respectful of all attendees and mentors while communicating on Discord
  • Mentors will check Discord frequently, so feel free to post any time
    • Tag the @mentors role to reach them

Review the information below if you need help getting into Discord for the first time, or you want to learn about the operation and structure of the Hackathon server.


To use Discord, you must first set it up. Start by clicking the invite link, and then follow the steps below.

Enter your real full name and click the "Continue" button to create an account.

Note that if you already have an account, you can use it, but be sure to change your nickname to your real full name.

Next, complete the Captcha if necessary.

On the next screen, enter your birthday. Note that you will not be able to use Discord if you are under 13 years of age.

On the next pop-up, enter an e-mail and password. Be sure to remember your password.

An email verification message should appear.

Open your email account, and there should be a new message from Discord. Open the message, and click the "Verify Email" button.

Clicking the button should open a webpage. There should be an "Email Verified" message. Click the "Continue to Discord" button to continue.

Server Categories & Channels

There are several channels in the server. Please be mindful of each channel's purpose.


These channels are meant to be used before the event begins.


Say hi in this channel!


Use this channel to find a team! Feel free to post your name, school, grade level, and coding experience. Then, try to find other attendees who would make good teammates.


Use this channel to ask questions about the logistics of the event, before it begins.


These channels are meant to be used during the event.


The event coordinators will post event announcements in this channel - keep your eyes peeled for important information.


This channel is reserved for general chat. Get to know your fellow participants, and discuss your Hackathon experience!


Have a question about the event, or about your project development? Post it here, and event coordinators, mentors, and fellow participants might be able to help you out.


These channels are specific to each individual student. You'll only have access to the channels that apply to you.


This channel is for students attending the event in-person at Hyland HQ.


This channel is for students attending the event virtually.


In this channel, students following the explorer track can chat with each other.


In this channel, students following the artisan track can chat with each other.


In this channel, students following the scientist track can chat with each other.


This channel is for all the high school students attending the event.


This channel is for all the college students attending the event.


These channels are strictly for fun!


This channel is for counting. Post sequential whole numbers, and do not post two numbers in a row.


Discuss the happenings of the #counting channel.


Once teams are formed, the Team Channels category will include channels for each individual team (if necessary). These will be especially helpful for virtual attendees. Let us know if you need us to create a Voice channel for you!

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