
Choose your destiny and tailor your Hackathon experience to your specific interests and knowledge.

Each participant should select one track to follow for the duration of the event. There will be features and functions designed specifically for members of each track, but don't worry; selecting one track or another will not limit your possibilities. The tracks are simply meant to guide you through the Hackathon and give you an idea of what to do.

Members of a team can all choose the same track, or all chose different ones. Anything is possible.

Explorer 🚀

This track is for students who are just beginning their voyage into the world of software development! They should be eager to learn and grow their skills. Any student who has less than a moderate amount of programming experience should select this track.

Expected Outcomes

Students who follow this track should have a chance to:

  • Gain new perspectives on software development
  • Learn about a variety of new technology topics
  • Apply their new skills to create a basic project
  • Grow their interest and excitement for programming

Artisan 🖌️

This track is for students who have a moderate amount of programming experience. They should care about the creative aspects of software, and may be interested in design, innovation, and ideation. Any student who has a moderate amount of programming experience is welcome to select this track.

Expected Outcomes

Students who follow this track should have a chance to:

  • Design the user experience of their team's product
  • Brainstorm practical and innovative ideas
  • Create artistic assets for their team, like graphics, music, models, and more
  • Code features of their teams project, with a focus on user-facing development
  • Discover new front-end frameworks and paradigms
  • Produce a compelling presentation for the judges

Scientist 🧪

This track is for students who love the technical details of software projects. They should have significant programming experience, and should be ready to lead their teams to create something exciting and cutting edge. Any student who has a significant amount of programming experience is welcome to select this track.

Expected Outcomes

Students who follow this track should have a chance to:

  • Architect their team's software project
  • Lead the technical development of their team's project
  • Program significant portions of the project, including back-end development
  • Research and select a technology stack for their team's project
  • Maintain the codebase and establish collaboration procedures

Expected Outcomes for All Tracks

In addition to the specific outcomes for individual tracks, every student who attends the Hackathon should have a chance to:

  • Expand their knowledge of software development
  • Learn new programming skills
  • Make friends with like-minded peers
  • Strengthen their ability to work on a team
  • Have fun!

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