Basic Rundown

Here is a basic rundown of the internship.


There will be some important meetings to attend, either in-person or on Zoom. There will also be a lot of time spent working (aka "homework") that will not require any specific timing.

Intern Expectations

There are some basic expectations we hope all interns will be able to meet.

  • Attend all scheduled Zoom meetings or in-person meetings for your group
    • Please let us know if you have a conflict!
  • Participate actively during group activities
  • Complete any assigned "homework" independently
  • Communicate professionally
    • Check your e-mail
    • Check Discord
    • Do not say anything inappropriate
  • Reach out and ask for help if you need it
    • Let us know how you're feeling!


Interns will be ultimately responsible for keeping track of their own hours, but the Tech Outreach team will need to verify them.

  • Some of your hours will be "direct" - time spent in meetings with us
  • Some of your hours will be "homework" that we expect you to complete on your own time
  • You may also have "self-driven" hours - if you want to work more, do more research, learn more, etc

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