Environment Setup

Follow these steps to ensure you have the proper setup to start working on the project.

Things to Download and Install

You will want to download and install all of these things to begin.

Running the Project

There are a few basic steps you'll want to follow to get the project up and running.

  1. Create a GitHub account
  2. Clone the Friendpardy repository locally
    • Click the green "Code" dropdown button and copy the "HTTPS" URL
    • In VS Code, press Ctrl+Shift+p and enter "Git: Clone"
    • Select a folder, then open the folder
  3. Follow the instructions on the GitHub Repository README
    • Make a back-end/.env file and a front-end/.env file
    • Run the back-end and the front-end projects

Once everything is up and running, you should be able to see the app locally.

Next Steps: Your Own Database

After the database code has been setup, it will be necessary to create a database using MongoDB Atlas. Follow these instructions to get that working.

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