
Here are the scheduled meetings for the summer.

Date Time Title Description Zoom Link
Wednesday, June 28 1pm Playtesting Everybody should play the game, and consider the experience. After playtesting, any piece of pertinent feedback should be made into a GitHub issue. here
Thursday, June 29 12:30pm Sprint Planning The goal of this meeting (and future sprint planning meetings) will be to figure out what everybody will do for the next two weeks. here
Tuesday, July 11 10:45am UX Review The game should be tested in a similar way to Playtesting, but with more of an emphasis on aesthetics and usability. N/A
Wednesday, July 12 10:45am Playtesting Another round of playtesting. N/A
Wednesday, July 12 3pm Midsummer Demo Demonstrate the software to stakeholders. here
Thursday, July 13 11am Sprint Planning Another round of sprint planning. here
Wednesday, July 26 11am Playtesting Another round of playtesting. here
Thursday, July 27 11am Sprint Planning Another round of sprint planning. here
Thursday, August 10 11am Final Presentation The team should present on the entirety of their internship experience. here

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