Project Information: Friendpardy

Learn more about this summer's project.

Project Description

An online party game where participants have to answer questions about themselves, and then try to guess their friends' answers to the same questions. The idea is to create something similar to a Jackbox game that could be used as an icebreaker for a variety of our Tech Outreach programs.

GitHub Repository

Access the GitHub repository for the Friendpardy project here. This repository has the code for both the front-end and the back-end. Additionally, issue tracking is available here.

Check out the experience page to learn more about how the game will be played. Note that this is a working document, and things are subject to change.

Team Process

It will be up to you as a team to complete the necessary work for this project. Ideally, you will be fully autonomous; self-governing, without the need for any overarching authority. However, there will be some structures in place to help you function to the best of your ability.

Getting Started

In the beginning, everyone will follow these processes:

  1. Set up your environment, and get the project up and running
    • Both the front-end and the back-end
  2. Start learning the technologies involved in the project
  3. Work on your first issue
  4. Begin active development

During Active Development

When the team is established, these processes should be followed:

  • Interns will be encouraged to practice pair programming
  • Issues should be tracked using the repository's project
    • Issues can be created and assigned by a project manager / architect, or by you as a team
    • A code review / pull request should be completed for each issue before it is merged into the codebase
  • Mentors will be available to guide you from a technical perspective
  • Quick stand-up meetings will take place each workday: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday

Philosophy & Internship Goals

Ultimately, your experience with this internship is up to you. Please let your own goals guide your approach. If you want to learn a lot about technology, feel free to dive into in-depth resources. If you care more about user experience, spend some time working on mockups or styling. If you want to see how real software teams work, focus on the project management aspect and ask a ton of questions. If you're business-minded, start thinking about how you might market the product you're building, or demo the software to stakeholders. Whoever you are, whatever you want to do, there will be opportunities throughout for you to choose your own path. Make the most of your time here, and have fun!

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