Web Resources

You've only begun to scratch the surface of what the web can do. Dive into some of these resources to start learning more 😎

More Web Possibilities

Check out this website; it showcases some of the additional possibilities of HTML, CSS, and even JavaScript!

Feel free to copy any code from this project and incorporate it into your website.

Hy-Tech Club Material

Hyland's Hy-Tech Club offers an in-depth look into several subjects, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript! Take a look at some of the material below if you want to learn more:

W3 Schools Tutorials

For a simple introduction to web concepts, W3 Schools is a good resource. They have a ton of tutorials and references! Here are some helpful starting points:

If you ever want to do something on a website, you can open up google and type in a search topic followed by html. You'll almost definitely end up seeing a W3 Schools link in the results! They provide a bunch of simple examples that can get you up and running quickly.

Interactive Courses on Codecademy

For a little more guided learning, Codecademy has some excellent interactive courses. These may require a little more dedicated time, but they can provide a very well-rounded view of many concepts. Note that an account is required, but many of the courses available are totally free. Here are some helpful starting points:

MDN Reference

MDN Web Docs is the most robust collection of web reference material available anywhere online. It is more technical and rigorous, but it goes deep into all of the concepts that are fundamental to web development. MDN documentation is an excellent way to gain a truly deep understanding of the web, but it might be a little less friendly to beginners.

Click here for a good MDN learning starting point.

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