
If you're going to compete, you'll need to follow our orders and adhere to our established procedures of operation.

Please follow all the rules of the event, or you may be removed and banned from attending future programs.

  • Respect your mentors and fellow participants
  • Do not use hurtful language
  • This is a hackathon, but DO NOT attempt to hack into any Hyland resources

In-Person Participation

If you are joining us in-person, we have some particular rules for you to follow.

  • Participants will stay on the first floor in the Core and D Wing of Building 3 throughout the event
    • They will not access or utilize parts of the building that are off limits to event attendees
  • The Auditorium will be reserved as a quiet area when it is not being used for other activities
  • ONLY enter and exit through the Employee & Training Entrance throughout the weekend
  • Bathrooms and showers can (and should) be used
  • No alcohol is allowed on premises, and no intoxicated participants will be allowed to enter the building

Coming & Going

You are welcome to leave Hyland and return as you wish.

  • Enter and Exit from the Employee & Training Entrance
  • Make sure you sign in/out with a mentor's sign-off
  • Do NOT leave without ensuring that the mentors are aware
  • You can find a mentor at the Mentor's Room or by tagging @mentors on Discord
    • You can also contact a member of the Tech Outreach Team
  • If you leave for the night on Friday, be sure to return by 9AM ET the next day for the Morning Kickoffs

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