Learning Resources

If you've never coded before, or if you want to learn something new, or if you just want a refresher, try some of the resources below.

All-Ages Coding from Code.org

If you're completely new to coding and want an easy way to get into it, there are some very friendly introductory activities from code.org.

These activities are designed for kids from all ages. Create a dance party, explore artificial intelligence, or code something from Minecraft, Star Wars, Frozen, and more!

These activities mostly use block-based coding, where you drag and drop blocks to make things happen. It can be a great place to start for beginners, and it's all free, with no account required.

Building a Website with W3 Schools

Have you ever wanted to create your own website? It may not be as difficult as you think. Follow this HTML tutorial from W3 Schools to jump into web development. After learning HTML, try CSS, and then JavaScript.

The tutorials on W3 Schools are designed with beginners in mind. They may not always have the most cutting-edge information, but they can help you start building websites quickly, and it's all free, with no account required.

Interactive Courses on Codecademy

Codecademy is a website with several different interactive courses covering a variety of languages. Many of their courses cost money, but there are also some free options. An account is required.

If you're not sure which language to learn, you can try taking this quiz.

Some of the beginner-friendly free courses include:

A full catalog of courses can be found here.

The Power of Google & YouTube

No matter what it is you want to make, there are probably free learning resources available somewhere on the internet! Try searching on Google or YouTube to see what's out there.

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