During the Event

You made it here; now you must execute your strategy with tenable vigor.


The Hackathon might feel a bit like a lawless dystopian techtropolis, but there are actually a few rules you'll need to follow while you're here.

Click here to view the Rules.


Over the course of the weekend, you'll want to stay in touch with your team members, fellow competitors, and mentors. Whether your team is in-person, virtual, or a combination of the two, one of the easiest ways to keep up the chatter is through Discord.

Click here for Discord Information.


There are some critical points of action that are required if your team wants to compete, as well as a ton of fun activities along the way. With the help of the schedule, you'll be able to keep up with everything that's happening.

Click here to view the Schedule.


Click here to take a look at the building map.


As you're off exploring new landscapes of programming prowess, you might find that you need a little guidance. Luckily, Hyland employees will be there to assist you every step of your journey.

Click here for more information about your mentors.

Judging & Prizes

Newly discovered knowledge might be its own reward, but it is not the only possible reward for this competition. If you want to win a prize, you'll want to know how the competition will be judged.

Click here for information about Judging & Prizes.


There are workshops and sessions scheduled throughout the weekend.

Click here for materials related to event activities.


If you're here in-person, you'll want to make sure you stay connected using the Wi-Fi.

  • Network: Hackathon
  • Password: HylandSoftware!
    • Note that the Password is case-sensitive

Wi-fi information is subject to change


If you need to get in touch with the event coordinators for any reason, someone should be available to answer the call.

Click here for Contact Information.

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