Extempore References

Extempore has a small but mighty community of musicians and maintainers. Check out some of these resources to learn more about what it can do.

This video is the best introduction to the big picture concepts behind Extempore:

The code looks a little different than the examples from the demo, and there are some advanced concepts, but it is the same underlying technology. It ends up sounding really cool!

Programming Background

Extempore can be really tough to pick up, especially if you haven't seen languages with all those parentheses before.

Many languages descend from Lisp, and there are some that may be easier to start learning. One example is Racket.

Click here for a helpful introduction to Racket that may be a little more digestible than all the Extempore stuff.

Musical Background

In addition to learning a new programming language, it can be difficult to jump into synthesized music even if you already know some music theory.

This video does a great job of introducing some of the basic concepts behind synthesizers:

To dive deeper into Extempore itself, follow these links.

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