Zoom Information

Virtual students will join us digitally, harnessing the power of the vast interconnected network we call The Internet.

Final Presentations Zoom Room

The final presentations will be held in a 🌟 special Zoom Room 🌟 - be sure to join at 3pm ET on Sunday for top team announcements and final round judging!

The meeting ID is 985 1416 2172, and the passcode is 206765.

Main Zoom Room

Join the Zoom Meeting to participate in Auditorium events like the kick-off, workshops, activities, judging, and more!

The meeting ID is 946 1006 2343, and the passcode is 727891.

Zoom Room 2

This Zoom meeting is for auxillary usage; when something else is happening in the Auditorium, this room will be connected for additional activities!

The meeting ID is 927 0081 9878, and the passcode is 854218.

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