Forming a Team

If you want to win, your first step will be to assemble a team.

  • You can arrive with a team already formed
  • You can also establish a team during the event, but...
    • We strongly encourage teams to be formed ahead of time
  • Teams can have up to 5 members
  • Teams do not have to be from the same school
  • Teams will be designated as High School or College
    • Note that if a team has both high school and college students, it will compete with other College teams

Recruitment Assistance for the Lone Wolf 🐺

If you registered alone and need help putting a team together, don't worry. You can use the find-a-team Discord channel to find other participants who need teams. You may be able to join an existing team, or start a new one.

There will also be a team building activity where you can start to build connections with your new allies.

Submitting your Team

Once you've gathered your compatriots, you will need to fill out a form to make it official. This form will bind you together for all eternity, ensuring that you will remain tethered to one another forever, no matter what. For your team to be eligible for the competition, this form must be submitted by 5:00PM ET on Friday.

Click here to access the form and seal your fate.

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