Collaboration Tools

Want to figure out how to work with your team? Try one of these tools!

Replit Multiplayer

Replit is an online development environment that supports a wide variety of languages, including HTML/CSS/JavaScript, Python, Node.js, C#, and Java.

One of the features on Replit is something called Multiplayer. It allows multiple developers to work on the same project simultaneously!

A Replit account is required for everyone who wants to participate, but from there, setup is a breeze. It's completely free, and everything takes place in a web browser. It's kind of like Google Docs but for coding. The development environment itself may not be quite as nice as others, but it's simple and generally effective.

Visual Studio Live Share

Visual Studio Live Share is a lot like Replit Multiplayer, but it works with desktop applications.

  • Visual Studio is a full-featured IDE for Windows, and there is a free version available. It can take up a good amount of space, but it has really nice features.
  • VS Code is a more lightweight IDE for any platform. It has some really nice features, and generally runs a little better on slower machines.

Visual Studio Live Share is available on both Visual Studio and VS Code. The big benefit is that the IDE features are really nice (significantly nicer than Replit). The drawback is that there is a more complex setup, and it might not work well for every machine.

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